Sunday, December 11, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Illustrator Practice

I'm taking a Digital Foundations course this summer. I've been learning so much!
Here are my two very basic practices so far:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Update on Life!

I've been busy with my new job!

My most recent thrift finds :)
- Wooden house shelf
- Mustard yellow cardigan
- Lots and lots of books
- Bird pillow
- Colorful floral dress
- Bird mug
- Canvas satchel
Oh and Becky decided to jump into the pic as an added bonus :)

I've also been busy getting my apartment in order:

I made some delicious biscuits from scratch! They turned out perfect if I do say so myself

Got lucky at the used bookstore. I've also been drinking lots and lots of lemonade (raspberry is my favorite)

Finally got around to finishing Cory's scarf. It's two seasons too late but it will be ready for him this fall :)

Bought the perfect dining room dishes set at walmart on sale for $20. The flowers are so pretty, I couldn't resist!

Oh and here's Becky in a bow-tie I knitted for her hahah, she looks so thrilled
That's all for now! Driving 5 hours tomorrow to visit Cory, It's a much needed visit.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Let me introduce you to...


It took all of my willpower to not bring one of these home with me from the flea market. I had to remind myself that I don’t have a yard and that I highly doubt my complex allows chickens indoors. So instead I informed Cory that when we have our own backyard we’re going to own chickens.

A bit from my life

I'm slowly but surely getting my apartment the way I want it. This is my finished living room (the only room I have all the way done right now other than my balcony)

A peek into my sketchbook

Recently finished a commissioned bathroom wall painting for a local thrift store.

Flea Market Finds

Found an insanely cute framed kitten embroidery and a Blue jay porcelain figurine. I got them both for only one dollar! 

Cat, Colors, and Crochet